

本学へ留学したウクライナ学生からの感謝のメッセージ(ツェドゥリャク・ヴァシリナ マルタさん)

2023年春に、本学が避難学生として受け入れたツェドゥリャク・ヴァシリナ マルタさん(イヴァン・フランコ記念リヴィウ国立大学博士課程)が、東北大学での研究活動を終えウクライナへ帰国しました。

ヴァシリナ マルタさんは、本学生命科学研究科の田中良和教授と、永田裕二教授の指導のもと、充実した研究生活、および学生生活を送ることができたようです。


My Stay at Tohoku University   ー東北大学で過ごし、感じたことー

My Ukrainian laboratory has been cooperating with Japanese counterparts for several years. This cooperation leads to not only scientific achievements but also to opportunities for participants to get to know the culture of the partner country personally and gain unforgettable memories. Unfortunately, Ukraine was attacked by Russia last year. It is difficult to continue research activities in the conditions of the ongoing war. Therefore, many scientists from Ukraine decided to move or work abroad for a while. The opportunity to visit Japan is quite rare for Ukrainian researchers due to low scientific funding in Ukraine, so I decided to take advantage of this unique opportunity. At first, it was scary because Japan is far from Ukraine and our cultures are very different. However, now I would like to visit Japan again because it is a wonderful country with amazing people.

From left to right: Assistant Professor Takeshi Yokoyama, Me, Professor Yoshikazu Tanaka and Professor Yuji Nagata



During my stay in Japan, I really enjoyed feeling like a part of the university community. Thanks to Professor Yoshikazu Tanaka and Professor Yuji Nagata, my visit was full of various scientific and social events. It was a pleasure to work with the friendly laboratory teams and learn something new every day. The level of research at the university is superb. I was especially impressed that even students use cryo-electron and electron microscopy in their research, and it was very interesting to see how it works from the inside. I also attended an online conference in addition to a symposium in Hakodate. together with my colleagues. It was a great opportunity to present my research, see Hokkaido, and, of course, try local dishes and fresh seafood.

Photo with my labmates in Hakodate



The population of Lviv, my hometown, and the population of Sendai are almost the same, so I was interested in exploring and comparing the two cities. They are quite different in terms of architecture and lifestyle, but there are many students in Lviv, as well as in Sendai. Life in Sendai is quite calm; there is no feeling that everyone is in a hurry. It seems as if everyone is mindful of the value of every minute and tries to live a happy and productive life without being in too much of a hurry. I think the large number of temples and shrines contribute to this calm and peaceful atmosphere. I had never lived in a dormitory before, but the dormitory in Sendai was surprisingly convenient and had good accommodations. My friends in the dormitory and I often cooked together, shared about our experiences, and just had a good time.



While I was in Sendai, I also had the chance to talk with schoolchildren from Yagiyama Elementary School about the war in Ukraine. They were extremely interested in how their peers in Ukraine were feeling. I hope that now they understand more about what is happening in Ukraine because they were able to hear information from a Ukrainian. It was really nice to receive the children's feedback, along with small drawings of my favorite ramen.



Despite all the difficulties in Ukraine, most scientists remain and are doing their best to continue their research because they cannot imagine their lives without science. I am also continuing my studies and research in Ukraine, while fondly remembering my experience in Japan. I hope the war in Ukraine ends as soon as possible because it is very sad to experience the loss of loved ones who died defending the peaceful life of all Ukrainians.

In the laboratory at the Graduate School of Life Sciences



I want to thank the city of Sendai and the Nippon Foundation because without them my stay in Sendai would not have been possible. I would also like to thank all the organizations that are helping evacuees from Ukraine. In particular, I am grateful to SenTIA for organizing social events for Ukrainians as well as Japanese language classes which helped me learn the basics of Japanese thanks to the materials provided in Ukrainian. This kind of support is very important because the language and culture of Japan are often unfamiliar to Ukrainians. Finally, I am grateful to Tohoku University for its warm welcome and the opportunity to feel like a part of its community. Your kindness and extremely important support help all Ukrainians. Thank you!

Walked around the city center of Sendai in traditional Japanese Kimono.







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